Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the ICAO Council received a cordial visit from Members of the COCESNA Board of Directors.

On June 13, in Montreal, Canada, the Members of the Board of Directors of COCESNA: BELIZE, Lic. Lindsay Garbutt, Director DCA, Sr. Kenworth Tillet Norel, Advisor to the Ministry of Tourism, COSTA RICA Ing. Rodolfo Méndez Mata, Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Eng. Jose Manuel Saenz Scaglietti, Alternate Representatives, Capt. Guillermo Hoppe, Director DGAC,…

Members of COCESNA’s Board of Directors accompanied visits to State Representations and Regional Groups accredited to ICAO.

From June 12 to 14, COCESNA Board Members: BELIZE, Lic. Lindsay Garbutt, DCA Director, Sr. Kenworth Tillet Norel, Advisor to the Ministry of Tourism, COSTA RICA, Ing. Rodolfo Méndez Mata, Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Eng. Jose Manuel Saenz Scaglietti, Alternate Representatives, Capt. Guillermo Hoppe, Director DGAC, GUATEMALA, Arq. Jorge Francisco Guzmán Rodríguez, Sub…

Superintendence of Public Private Partnership (SAPP) of the Government of Honduras holds first working meeting to address the issue related to the future concession of airports.

Superintendence of Public Private Partnership (SAPP) of the Government of Honduras holds first working meeting to address the issue related to the future concession of airports. The Lawyer. César Cáceres Cano, Superintendent of the Public Private Alliance of the Government of the Republic of Honduras, made an attentive call to the Executive Presidency of COCESNA,…