Participants convened at the risk management workshop have direct responsibility for achieving one or more specific objectives of COCESNA’s Strategic Plan (PEC) 2020-2025. Consultant Manuel Aráuz was in charge of facilitating and guiding the working groups of COCESNA personnel selected by the Executive Presidency and Human Resources Management,
Necessary condition to participate:
Participants should have a clear understanding of each specific objective contained in the QEP, for which they are directly or indirectly responsible for its achievement. They should also be clear about the performance goals that have been established for each of the years of the SGP.
Objectives of the workshop
To encourage participants to:
- acquire knowledge of the corporation’s enterprise risk management methodology, so that they can assess the risks associated with the strategic and specific objectives of COCESNA’s current SOP;
- understand the link between the mission, vision, values, institutional objectives, performance goals and the concept of institutional risk,
- understand the levels at which risk management will be applied (enterprise, operational, technical and project) and its variations;
- understand how to use the templates defined for recording business risk events;
- assess the risks associated with the strategic and specific objectives of COCESNA’s current SOP, build the initial portfolio of business risks associated with COCESNA’s current SOP, and define mitigation measures where appropriate (this objective is especially important because it will generate evidence for the Corporation’s quality audit in September).
Participating areas:
Executive Presidency (EP), Central American Air Navigation Agency (ACNA), Central American Operational Safety Agency (ACSA), Central American Institute for Aeronautical Training (ICCAE), Administrative and Financial Management (GAF), Project Management (GP), Operational Management (GOP), Technical Management (GT), Legal Services Management (GSL), Planning and Quality Management (GPC), Technology and Information Technology Management (GTI), Human Resources Management (GTH), Environment and Climate Change Management (GEREMAC), Air Traffic Management (ATM-CENAMER), Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) and Internal Secretariat and Public Relations (SIRP).