The Technical Meeting between COCESNA and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Panama took place in Panama City on January 22, 2020.

Due to the importance and variety of the topics to be discussed, both the AAC of Panama and COCESNA were represented by their authorities as well as specialists from different technical and administrative areas.

The following participated on behalf of the Panama CAA: Cap. Gustavo Pérez; Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Gustavo de León, Deputy Director General; Aixa Alvarado, General Secretariat; Maripaz de Ortiz, Director of Air Navigation; Leidy Sánchez, Deputy Director of Air Navigation; Iván de León, Head of Air Navigation Management; David Vos and José Hurtado, SAR; Guadalupe Justavino ISFPA; Carlos Von Seidlitz, Director of Air Transportation; Eduardo Delgado; Computing; Manuel Santos, Legal Directorate; Emilio Pesantez, Director of AVSEC; Manuel González, AVSEC; Débora Venencia, Planning and Budget; Eladio Santanach, Finance Directorate; Carlos Garzón, Aviation Safety Directorate; Lynda González, CERAP; Fidel Martínez, Air Facilities; Ivette Iturrado, Xenia Guardia, William Santamaría; Ana Teresa Montenegro, OSVINA; Armando Pimentel, Airport Deputy Director; Betel Vega, Training Department; Enrique Brown; Radar; Raymundo Ledezma, Communications Supervisor.

COCESNA was represented by: Juan Carlos Trabanino Aguirre, Executive President; Eng. Gabriel Quirós, Director ACNA; Gen. Manuel Cáceres, Director ACSA, Lic. Mario R. Martínez, Director ICCAE; Lic. Karim Álvarez, Manager GTI, Ing. Giovanni Tobar; GEREMAC Manager; Lic. Silvia Quezada, Internal Secretary and Public Relations Officer.

The very varied work agenda included administrative, support and technical cooperation topics on communications, navigation and surveillance, SAR, operational safety, training, technology and information technology and environment, related to the functions of COCESNA’s Agencies and Managements:

Central American Air Navigation Agency (ACNA);

Central American Institute for Aeronautical Training (ICCAE);

Central American Aviation Safety Agency (ACSA);

Technology and Information Technology Management (GTI); and

Regional Management of Environment and Climate Change (GEREMAC).