Every May 30, Arbor Day is commemorated as part of the civic calendar since 1926 in Honduras. And included in the dates to promote environmental conservation in our corporate calendar. On this date in the schools, children raise awareness among their peers and also among their elders.

The date of May 30 is when the government adopted the pine tree as the national tree because of its abundance in the national territory.

On this special day  when circumstances permit, schools prepare allusive activities, such as mural exhibitions, tree planting and cleaning of green areas.

In addition, on this same date and the following days in Honduras, several institutions and groups of volunteers, such as the members of the Tegucigalpa COCESNA Lions Club, are also planting trees.

The purpose of this celebration is that schoolchildren become aware of the importance of nature and reflect on the multiple goods and benefits it provides, being a motivating example until their adult life.

Arbor Day or Arbor Day is a reminder of the importance of protecting wooded areas. Trees, among many other benefits, transform carbon dioxide, which is exhaled by humans and animals. Likewise, as well as the structures or machines built by man to cook his food. Or, facilitate their work and turn it into oxygen.

In the current era, carbon dioxide, among other gases, is responsible for what is known as the greenhouse effect and generates the phenomena associated with climate change. Trees also minimize flood risks and prevent erosion.

Today is a good day to raise environmental awareness.