In the period from July 27 to August 13, 2020, the Planning and Quality Management will conduct with its Staff and the COCESNA Management System Auditors Team (SGC), the internal management audit, in remote mode, and for the first time, due to the Pandemic COVID-19.

With the objective of: “Evaluating the degree of compliance with the requirements established in the QMS processes”.

The focus of the audit will be based on the QMS requirements established by: Customers, COCESNA, ISO 9001:2015 normative, Legal, Regulatory and others that apply.

For the audit of each process, audit teams of three people were appointed, thus ensuring a complete evaluation, compliance with requirements, maintenance and improvement of the QMS.

Those responsible for and personnel associated with the following processes will be audited:

Maintenance Aeronautical GEN (MTO-AER);

Training Aeronautical (CAP-AER);

Maintenance Aeronautical GEES (MTO-AER);

Maintenance Aeronautical GECR (MTO-AER);

Operational Safety Operational Safety and Aviation Aviation (SOA);

Calibration Management (GCAL);

Maintenance Aeronautical GEB (MTO-AER);

Maintenance Aeronautical GEG (MTO-AER);

In-flight Inspection (I&E);

Environmental Management and Climate Change (GAC);

Communication and Corporate Relations (CRC);

Talent Management Management (GTH);

Purchasing Management (PM);

Finance (FIN);

Invoicing and Collections (F&C);

Maintenance Aeronautical GEH-MACC (MTO-AER);

Aeronautical Aeronautical Information (GIA);

Aeronautical Maintenance GT (MTO-AER);

Risk Management (GR);

SP-ACNA: Management of International Management and Development (CID);

Strategic Management (SG);

Monitoring, Evaluation and Improvement (SEM).

Note: Special thanks to Ing. Marco Zelaya, Regional Manager of COCESNA in Nicaragua and his staff, for providing us with the photographs at the beginning of this audit in Central America.