COCESNA developed different protocols to the complete satisfaction of the participants of RCC/SPOC/SAR /CENAMER COCESNA and GERENCIA TECNOLOGIA INFORMATICA (GTI) and its team of engineers, thus complying with the result of these being positive in all cases, indicating the correct installation of the COCESNA SAR Tracking System.

The SAR Tracking System (Search and Rescue) is part of the Control Center Support System, whose main objective is the Retransmission of SAR Messages received from the Mission Control Center (USMCC) on 406 MHZ Frequency, it also has Computer generated maps with geographic coordinates to scale, in which mimics related to the following facilities are superimposed: Airways, Restricted Zones, RNAV Routes among others.

It has great facilities which allow coordination at the right time, saving lives in a timely manner through the different retransmissions between the units involved in a SAR operation.

5 FUNCTIONAL MODULES OF THE SYSTEM: The modules evaluated in this protocol are:

· System security and access module

· System Dashboard

· SAR Messages and Alarms

· Log

· COMM Reports and Alarms

· Report Record

· Contacts

· Sent ACK

For the corporation, it is a source of pride to be able to collaborate in a timely manner through our personnel in charge of SAR with the Central American Region and its areas of responsibility such as adjacent fir’s, among others, thus complying with the different international recommendations that mandate procedures attached to any operation of rescue activated and received at our CENAMER control center.