Virtual meeting, June 01 -03, 2021.- The Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA), participated in the Network Manager webinar given by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Eurocontrol, with the participation of personnel from the ACNA Senior Management such as Operations Management, AIM Headquarters, ATFM Coordination, CENAMER ATS Supervisors, ACSA ANS Inspector and representatives of Member States.
During the workshop the following topics were discussed: Strategic and operational planning of the European network Design of the European route network Flight plan management in Europe – the IFPS Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) in Europe Crisis management in Europe Flight plan management and ATFM in Central America by COCESNA.
The workshop provided perspectives on the benefits and potential of centralized approaches for services with a strong regional character such as flight plan management and ATFM, as well as best practices and lessons learned from the European experience.