Friday, September 03, 2021. COCESNA, through the Planning and Quality Management (GPC), in order to constantly improve performance, compliance assurance and the effective achievement of the goals of the objectives of each process that currently makes up COCESNA’s Management System (SGC), initiated steps for the acquisition of a systematized software tool, which aims to strengthen the following elements:

  • Integration and alignment of the relevant and priority elements of the QMS in a single tool.
  • Automate the best practices incorporated and adapted, and optimize the operations contained in the Corporation’s processes.
  • To have a tool that interrelates and interacts with our current ICT tools and generates automatic alerts associated with the range of plans currently managed by the Corporation.
  • Optimize the resolution time in the management of the QMS elements, dynamized by parameterizable elements in each process.
  • Minimize exchanges of physical documentation between areas.
  • Contribute to the simplification of control and follow-up tasks for all personnel at the systemic level (Leaders, Facilitators and Process Collaborators), who apply and benefit from the wide range of best practices.
  • Facilitate the monitoring, assurance, evaluation and analysis tasks of process leaders and GPC staff assisting with process improvement at COCESNA.