November 30, 2021.- Under the coordination of COCESNA and its Central American Agency for Aviation Safety (ACSA), within the framework of the EU-LAC-APP Project and with the support of EASA; It was possible to give the Workshop on the “Fatigue Management Regulations” with the participation of the Air Operators invited by each COCESNA Member State as well as the inspectors in charge of the implementation of fatigue management in our region. The workshop was given by the expert in fatigue management, Captain Gustavo Barba from EASA, bringing together more than 60 people from the aviation industry in the region. The objective of the workshop aimed at our regional industry was to publicize the European method to comply with ICAO standards (SARPs) on fatigue management, based on scientific principles and satisfying operational needs. The industry was presented with an efficient, flexible and productive model that guarantees international competitiveness, within a robust security standard and a framework of social stability.

In addition, the analysis of the provisions of RAC OPS 1 in Subpart Q was discussed during the workshop, regarding some of its regulatory and implementation deficiencies due to the lack of standardization and undeveloped concepts. As a final point of the workshop, the different opportunities that the adoption and adaptation of the European Union regulations for “Flight and Activity Time Limitations and Rest Requirements (FTL)” would represent when replacing the current RAC OPS 1 Subpart were analyzed. Q, such as; harmonization of regional regulations, increase in regional air transport business, improvement in operational safety in relation to fatigue. Captain Barba, before concluding the workshop, expressed and pointed out some of the main strengths in our region to adopt this regulation, among them; the manageability of the regulatory system, unanimous support of the inspectors of all the States, common language in the region and the assistance of EASA and COCESNA/ACSA.