January 26, 2022.- Under the coordination of COCESNA and its Central American Agency for Aviation Safety (ACSA), within the framework of the EU-LAC-APP Project and with the support of EASA; Workshops on the “European Union Regulations for Aircraft Flight Crew Training and Licensing (ATO and FSTD) Part I and II” were delivered, with the participation of specialist Licensing (PEL) and Aeronautical Operations (OPS) inspectors ) of each COCESNA Member State that are part of the implementation project of the new regulations in our region. The workshops were given in two (2) sessions by the expert in European regulations, Captain Gustavo Barba from EASA on December 13, 14 and 15, 2021 and from January 19 to 21, 2022. The objective of the workshop was to inform and familiarize the personnel of the COCESNA Member States about the regulations for crews (aircraft) in accordance with Annexes 1 and 6 Part I of the ICAO focused on commercial activity aircraft with air transport applicability.
The workshop included: The regulatory structure; The requirements of the Authorities; Flight crew licensing requirements; Type rating training and operational requirements; Approved training organizations; Flight simulation training devices and; other qualifications. Captain Barba, before concluding both workshops, expressed the main strengths in our region to adopt concepts of this regulation such as; the manageability of the regulatory system, the support of the Directors and inspectors of all States through the integration system, common language in the region and the assistance and support of EASA and COCESNA/ACSA.