March 22, 2022.- COCESNA, through the Central American Institute for Aeronautical Training (ICCAE), declared the inauguration of the Aeronautical Education and Training Services Program for this year, for its strategic client AUTONOMOUS PORT EXECUTIVE COMMISSION (CEPA). Said training service is part of the Cooperation Agreement on technical assistance signed between COCESNA and CEPA. The first course to be developed for this year 2022 will be “Recurrent ATC Aerodrome”, divided into 7 Groups from March 21 to May 3. The purpose of the course is to verify the level of competence of ATC personnel working in an aerodrome control tower, for which it contemplates a series of real performance practices in a simulated situation with increasing difficulty in the aerodrome control virtual simulator. It is developed through two modules: Applied regulations (which include phraseology and control procedures) and aerodrome control simulation.

In this way, the AUTONOMOUS PORT EXECUTIVE COMMISSION (CEPA) begins its Aeronautical Training Program for the year 2022, in order to continue developing its functions, attached to the necessary rules and regulations, together with the Central American Institute of Aeronautical Training (ICCAE).