On November 2, 2022; COCESNA with the participation of Eng. Ángel Martínez- Technical Coordinator-Energy and Eng. Leonardo Herrera-Technical Coordinator-C&R of the Honduras Station Management; held a meeting with Mrs. Berta Alicia Olmedo; Executive Secretary of the Regional Committee on Water Resources (CRRH) at the facilities of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras Headquarters.

The following objectives were developed at this meeting:

  1. Introduce CRRH in an initial approach with COCESNA.
  2. Introduce the Severe Atmospheric Weather Virtual Center platform. (CVTAS)
  3. Presentation of the Regional Electrical Discharge Network and its importance to air navigation and decision making.
  4. Presentation of CRRH’s interest in having COCESNA’s support for issues such as :
    a. Alliance and/or collaboration agreement COCESNA-CRRH on related topics.
    b. Future regional issues in weather radar implementation and maintenance projects.