COCESNA began on January 16, 2023, the implementation in a production environment of PHASE I of the SIARev suite in the Civil Aviation Authorities of the Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) and the Honduran Civil Aeronautics Agency (AHAC), which will make it possible to strengthen the automated management of operational safety in the Member States, facilitating regulatory compliance and facing audit processes that the States receive from ICAO, FAA, among others. The SIARev Suite is a set of systems that help Civil Aviation Authorities to monitor their processes based on ICAO SARPs and with this have a State Safety Surveillance system (SSP) to give compliance with the eight critical elements dictated by ICAO.
Likewise, it is very positive to highlight that COCESNA has implemented and will operate an aeronautical IT cloud in the Central American Region, which has high availability characteristics and resources that will allow the SIARev to be hosted in the COCESNA Data Center, which contributes to safety and efficiency. in the management of IT resources under an integrated and non-distributed approach to the infrastructure and with the requirements of backup and continuity of operations.