From January 23 to 25 of this year, the workshop called “Certification of ATM/ANS Service Providers” was held in Guatemala City; within the framework of the EU LAC APP II Cooperation Project, and with the support of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for the Certification Project of the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) in the Upper Airspace of the Central American Region.

It was given by EASA experts, with the assistance of the Technical Deputy Directors of the Honduran Civil Aeronautics Agency of Honduras (AHAC), Mr. Jorge Corrales, and the Civil Aviation Authority of El Salvador (AAC), Mrs. Andrea López, as well as experts from the six COCESNA Member States and ACSA staff. The objective was to follow up on the tasks addressed in the previous virtual meetings concerning the European Navigation Services Certification process, and how this can be used as a reference framework in the Air Traffic Service Provider Certification project in the Central American Upper Airspace, which is provided by COCESNA through CENAMER CONTROL. At the end of the Workshop, tasks were established for each of the Member States to follow up on the project in question at the Regional level.