Juan Carlos Trabanino Executive Director -CEO and Mr. Giovanni Tobar, Environmental Manager, participated on August 31, 2023, in an important coordination meeting, headed by Dr. Werner Vargas, Secretary General of SICA, as well as delegates from the Secretariat for Economic Integration, SIECA, and the Secretariat for Central American Tourism Integration, SITCA, with the objective of deepening efforts to improve connectivity in the region to increase regional tourism competitiveness, according to various mandates from the heads of state of the member countries of the Central American Integration System, SICA.
In this regard, as a follow-up measure and priority on the issue, the Technical Committee of COCESNA, at its 148th meeting held on September 1 of this year in Guatemala City, approved a resolution item for the formation of a technical body to provide feedback from the States, the traceability and feasibility of the proposals, this body will be formed by a delegate appointed by the Member State to comply with the guidelines of the General Secretariat of SICA.