Mr. Juan Carlos Trabanino Aguirre, Executive Director – CEO, celebrated with all his officials and employees the Sixty-Fourth (LXIV) Anniversary of COCESNA; important event in which it allowed us to recognize the performance and attitude of the Board of Directors and collaborators because, together we form a solid work team walking in the same direction to achieve our short, medium and long-term objectives, overcoming daily challenges and to be able to celebrate together a new year of life of the Corporation. The Executive Director-CEO stated that COCESNA will continue in constant progress and learning that allows it to continue for the following years with perseverance and dedication facing the obstacles of the environment, guaranteeing safety and effectiveness in operations. Likewise, he thanked the interested parties for the support and coordination carried out with COCESNA.
Our track record in delivering our services to the territories of the Member States, within the framework of the standards and methods recommended by the ICAO, under the SICA scheme, is improved day by day; Therefore, COCESNA’s contribution to the Region transcends age itself and I can properly say that it is not only 64 years of existence, but 64 years of proven excellence.