The Second Regional Accident and Incident Investigation Organizations (RAIO) Implementation Meeting for the CAR Region and Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIG) Implementation Workshop (RAIO/CAR/02) was held at the ICAO Regional Office for North and Central America and the Caribbean in Mexico City, Mexico, from 12 to 15 March 2019.</>
AIG Specialists from the Central American States, as well as aviation accident investigators from Mexico, Aruba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Argentina, also participated in the meeting, which was attended by the Director of the Nicaraguan Aeronautical Authority and Coordinator of the GRIAA operation, Capt. Carlos Salazar Sánchez. Representing COCESNA was ATC Ricardo Paredes.
The meeting developed an extensive agenda of presentations, aimed at raising awareness of the implementation of the regional accident investigation bodies, with the purpose of sharing experiences among the CAR/SAM Regions and achieving improvements in the process of surveillance of the safety of air operations.