At COCESNA, as part of Corporate Social Responsibility. (CSR) and to the efforts to achieve sustainable development, we join this day from Central America with the United Nations, commemorating this important date. Supporting all initiatives to conserve the best of our common home; the environment..”

“COCESNA’s Regional Management of Environment and Climate Change (GEREMAC) also brings us today an important infographic, for general reflection and to start individually making a difference in our own environment.”

The hour of Nature

The variety of food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our life on the planet possible would not exist without the services of nature. For example, each year, marine plants produce more than half of the oxygen in our atmosphere, and one tree is capable of cleaning our air by absorbing 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in return. Despite all the benefits our nature gives us, we still mistreat it, so we need to work on it. That is why we need this International Day.

World Environment Day, hosted this year by Colombia, is the most important date in the official United Nations calendar for promoting environmental action. Since 1974, June 5th has become a global public outreach platform that brings together governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens around a pressing environmental issue.

In 2020, the theme is biodiversity – a matter of both urgent and existential concern. Recent events, such as the unprecedented wildfires in Brazil, California and Australia, the locust invasion in the Horn of Africa and now the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrate the inextricable relationship between humans and the webs of life in which we live.
