May 30, 2022. Under the coordination of COCESNA and its Central American Aviation Safety Agency (ACSA), within the framework of the EU-LAC-APP Project and with the support of EASA, a virtual workshop on “Risk Based Oversight (RBO)” was held with the participation of COCESNA Member States. It is applicable to all technical operational areas of the Authorities (OPS, AIR, ANS, AGA), with the objective that inspectors acquire the required knowledge and competencies in compliance with ICAO standards. The workshop was given on May 27 by safety expert Captain Gustavo Barba, EASA’s Senior International Strategy Advisor.
The objective of the Workshop was to acquaint participants with the main ICAO safety performance standards, their evolution, and how their practical implementation has been resolved in the European Union.
This workshop was developed in three (3) parts; starting with the regulatory framework on risk-based surveillance according to ICAO guidelines and the regulations implemented by the European Union (EU). The second part of the workshop dealt with the EU’s path towards risk-based surveillance using the concept of the performance-based environment, the competencies that inspectors should have and the roadmap to evolve to risk-based surveillance (RBO). To conclude the workshop, Capt. Barba explained about the practical implementation of performance-based monitoring in air operators, the applicable EU regulations, the illustrated approach to performance-based monitoring (PBO) with practical examples of performance monitoring and some of the tools.