On November 2, 2022; COCESNA with the participation of Eng. Ángel Martínez- Technical Coordinator-Energy and Eng. Leonardo Herrera-Technical Coordinator-C&R of the Honduras Station Management; held a meeting with Mrs. Berta Alicia Olmedo; Executive Secretary of the Regional Committee on Water Resources (CRRH) at the facilities of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras Headquarters.
The following objectives were developed at this meeting:
- Introduce CRRH in an initial approach with COCESNA.
- Introduce the Severe Atmospheric Weather Virtual Center platform. (CVTAS)
- Presentation of the Regional Electrical Discharge Network and its importance to air navigation and decision making.
- Presentation of CRRH’s interest in having COCESNA’s support for issues such as :
a. Alliance and/or collaboration agreement COCESNA-CRRH on related topics.
b. Future regional issues in weather radar implementation and maintenance projects.