Central American Institute of Aeronautical Training

The Central American Institute for Aeronautical Training – ICCAE – headquartered in El Salvador, is one of the three management offices that make up COCESNA, whose purpose is to lead the aeronautical training processes in the Central American region for COCESNA personnel, its Member States and other external clients, all with the purpose of strengthening the competencies of aeronautical professionals, complying with the standards and methods contained in the Annexes and Documents of ICAO and the Regulations of the States.

Initially created in 1989 as the Central American School of Aeronautical Training (ECAA), and in 2001, with the reform of the Corporation’s Bylaws, ECCA became ICCAE, giving it a higher status and broadening the scope of its services to Civil Aviation Authorities and external aeronautical entities.

ICCAE, was recognized as a member of ICAO’s TRAINAIR PLUS Program in 2015 and has made significant contributions to civil aviation instruction and human resource development in the Central American Region. It has developed standardized training packages – CMDN’s, trained dozens of instructors and course designers, built in-house course validation capabilities and continuously delivered several key ICAO courses.


Educational Tools


Information on upcoming ICCAE training events and activities.

Our 5 Training Programs

navigation program

operational safety program

airport program

management program

maintenance program
  • Air Navigation

    This program incorporates courses in areas such as ATC, AIM, SAR, procedure design, ATSEP, CNS/ATM, meteorology, among others.

  • Operational Safety

    This program includes courses in the areas of government safety inspectors, aeronautical medicine, accident investigation, SMS/SSP, among others.

  • Airports

    The program consists of courses in the areas of aerodrome inspectors, aeronautical firefighters, AVSEC / FAL, ramp operations, among others.

  • Management/Instructors

    This program includes training in the areas of instruction, design of didactic material, virtual tutors, aeronautical law, aeronautical management, among others.

  • Aeronautical Maintenance Technician

    The program incorporates courses in the areas of TMA, avionics, systems, structures and interiors, among others.

Registration Modalities

Open Courses

The participation of external organizations and individuals in some of the courses planned within the Annual Program is based on:

Spaces available.
Fulfillment of requirements specified in the course profile.
Corresponding enrollment cancellation

To provide you with more information about these courses, see our contact information or fill out the form in the CONTACT US section.

Annual Course Plan 2023

This modality is exclusive for participants who work in COCESNA Member States, as a contribution of the Corporation to the development of the Region.

Estas capacitaciones se realizan a través del otorgamiento de becas, de acuerdo a la reglamentación y las disposiciones establecidas entre COCESNA y cada Estado Miembro u Organizacion del sector con quienes se tienen establecidos convenios de cooperación. El participante, deberá cumplir con los requisitos estipulados en el perfil del curso y completar una solicitud de inscripción proporcionada por el ICCAE.


ICCAE implements a system of continuous improvement, which is why it has the following international certifications and accreditations that position it as a training entity of high quality standards, backed by regulatory organizations of its methods and processes that guarantee to provide students with high standards at a regional level.


Central American Institute of Aeronautical Training – ICCAE
Km 9 1/2 Boulevard del Ejercito Nacional, north side of AAC.

Ilopango, San Salvador. El Salvador

+503 2505-3800


ICCAE location map